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Trans ideology has created a profound public health crisis. If we’re going to get our party back on track, we’re going to need to say, "No!" loudly, creatively, and relentlessly. We’re here to help you drag our fellow Democrats back to reality with a playlist of options that offers something for everyone.


Demoralized by the ideological capture of our institutions? Disgusted by the anti-science, anti-woman, anti-LGB stance the Democrats are embracing? Dumbfounded at the regressiveness of medically aligning gender-nonconforming kids to physical stereotypes of the opposite sex? Horrified at medical experimentation on children in the name of “gender”? You’re not alone. Not by a long shot. Let’s use our voices to help our party course-correct.  


Here’s how.




Download the Legislator Letter Template (Word doc)


Documents released as a result of the lawsuit challenging Alabama’s ban on sex-trait modification for minors exposed collusion between WPATH, HHS Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine, Johns Hopkins, and the AAP. These communications show a cover up of the glaring lack of evidence of safety and efficacy for these interventions and a push from both the AAP and Admiral Levine to remove age limits in order to reduce the risk of lawsuits and political push-back.


Use our template letter to let your legislator know that it’s past time for a bipartisan commission to investigate this medical scandal and HHS’ involvement.



Download the WPATH Files Letter Template (Word doc)


Let's let U.S. gender clinics know that we're paying attention and that the days of hiding behind WPATH are OVER.



  • Search online for the gender clinics in your state that post on their website that they adhere to the guidelines developed by WPATH. These statements will look something like this example from Oregon’s OHSU “Transgender Health Program”:


“OHSU providers follow World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, Version 8.


  • Copy the WPATH statements, use them to customize our letter template, and send to clinical staff and hospital administrators.

Facts for Journalists


Download the Facts for Journalists Letter Template (Word doc)


Journalists in radio, print, and television news have utterly failed to do their jobs when it comes to reporting on gender (we're looking at you NPR, WaPo, and NYT). It's maddening to read articles that sound like a collection of repeated slogans rather than honorable investigative reporting.


Use our template letter to let these journalists know their false narrative and shoddy reporting isn't working anymore.



Show up at local Town Hall meetings with those who want your vote. Let them know you're a DIAG supporter and ask your elected officials or Democratic candidates the tough questions:

  1. Would you support or author a bill that extends the statute of limitations for malpractice claims brought against gender clinicians by detransitioners?

  2. Would you support or author a bill that requires insurers to cover medical care for detransitioners?

  3. Would you support or author a bill that requires any clinics that provide sex-trait modification interventions to also provide equal care to those reversing transition to the extent possible, and require that a list of these services be provided equally alongside “gender-affirming care” services?

  4. Would you support or author a bill to keep men, including violent male sex offenders, out of women’s prisons? (California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island all prioritize a man’s sense of “gender” over the safety and dignity of women.)

  5. Would you support or author a bill requiring that all informed consent forms provide full disclosure for sex-trait modification interventions based on systematic evidence reviews that show:

  • essentially all children put on puberty blockers go on to cross-sex hormones — this is a one-way street for any young person that starts this medical intervention

  • children who start blockers early in puberty are likely to be permanently sterilized and anorgasmic forever once they proceed to cross-sex hormones

  • there is no evidence that supports the claims that blockers are reversible or safe

  • there is evidence that interrupting puberty carries unknown risks in terms of problems with neurodevelopment that may or may not be permanent, and that puberty blockers increase distress, not relieve it

  • there is no evidence that supports the claims that the effects of cross-sex hormones are reversible or safe



Remember the good old days, back before your favorite orgs branded you a right-wing, hate-filled, terrorist bigot? You’d proudly slip a check into those donor envelopes that, along with their passionate, pleading letters, seemed to arrive every other day. Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, Human Rights Campaign, and the Democratic Party all need our feedback about where they’ve got it wrong. So instead of sending their prepaid envelopes straight to the recycling bin, or placing an angry “take me off your mailing list!” call, put them to good use! Spread the word on biological reality and evidence-based medicine on their dime. Customize and print our letters or write your own and mail them in. Don’t forget to let them know where your donations are going now that they’ve decided that promoting the medical harm of young people is a winning strategy.





Planned Parenthood Letter
ACLU Letter
SPLC letter


Receiving calls from any of the above organizations — either begging for donations, or volunteer time,  or asking polling questions? Resist the temptation to throw your phone at the wall! Instead, take these steps:


  1. Ask if the call is being recorded.

  2. Explain that you’d like to help the organization understand why you will no longer be donating/contributing, or, for the DNC, why you’ve left the party (and what would bring you back).

  3. Tell the caller you’d be willing to continue the call if they agree to play the recording for their supervisory staff.

  4. Proceed to make your case. Be concise and polite. Stick to the facts.


Some examples:


  • The ACLU has discredited itself and its legacy through political partisanship and advocating for censorship. Your organization has replaced philosophical principles with political ideologies, and can no longer call itself a defender of free speech. Your own employees advocate publicly for book banning. Your website calls sex-trait modification for minors “medically necessary” but the ACLU is not a medical provider, scientist, or psychiatrist. To regain its integrity, the ACLU needs to go back to its roots — protecting first amendment rights.


  • I understand that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s second largest provider of cross-sex hormones, and operates on the “informed-consent” model, putting the responsibility for understanding the full risks of harm on the patient — no full disclosure required. Your organization requires no physician referral and for those 18 or older, it can take as little as a short virtual session to get a prescription for hormones. Planned Parenthood also provides ideology-based sex-education training for high schools, with inaccurate and anti-science messaging. I’m not sure when Planned Parenthood stopped focusing on female reproductive healthcare, but I’m not interested in donating to an organization responsible for so much medical harm to young people. 


  • DNC: As a lifelong Democratic voter I can no longer support the party due to their stance on the harmful medicalization of gender-confused children; the wrongful hitching of the T to the LGB wagon; their lost grasp on biological reality. I cannot support the party’s anti-science movement that undermines the sex-based rights and safety of women.


  • The SPLC advocates for the placement of violent male offenders in women’s prisons simply because they say they are female. This compromises the safety and dignity of women prisoners, puts all incarcerated women at risk, and denies biological reality. The SPLC has disgraced itself. Where is your due diligence regarding the known risks and poor evidence base for transing kids? Your organization makes false claims, calling exploratory therapy “conversion therapy,” and continues to promote unproven medical interventions for gender distressed youth.



Many other liberal orgs have actions you can take — supporting ballot measures, petitions, phone campaigns, calls to action nationally and internationally, some requiring only a click or a phone call. We'll be featuring those that reflect our mission. Send us a DM to let us know if we've missed any!

Genspect Petition - Working to Prohibit the Use of Puberty Blockers

Following the recent, shocking revelations in the WPATH Files, Director of Genspect U.S.A., Carrie D. Mendoza, MD started a Petition to Urge President Biden to Prohibit the Use of Puberty Blockers.

From the petition:

"England's NHS (National Health Service) has recently announced a ban on puberty blockers for children at England's NHS gender identity clinics. This decision was made due to concerns about their long-term effects and lack of substantial evidence supporting their safety. We believe that it is time for the United States to follow suit.


Puberty blockers are drugs that halt sexual development during adolescence. Their use in treating gender dysphoria in children is controversial due to health risks and ethical considerations."


Good Wardens

A coalition of parent-led safeguarding organizations, Good Wardens would like to see an end to the indoctrination and medicalization of children in the name of gender identity ideology. The lead signatories are parent-support and advocacy groups representing thousands of parents whose children are victims of WPATH’s unethical, unevidenced, guidance on the treatment of transgender ideation.


Please consider signing their international Petition/Open Letter

DIAG is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to DIAG are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

© 2025 by Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender

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